Hi Everyone!
I'm so excited for Sword of Freedom this year! We are going to learn a ton and have a blast!
This week we covered the concept of Allegiance. We talked about the four main categories of Allegiance -- Self, Others, Evil, and Good/God.
The writing assignment for this week is to answer the question: Where is my allegiance and why?
We also talked about one way to set up and use a commonplace book. Students can "decorate" their commonplace books at home or in class if we have time and if they want to. They are welcome to use their commonplace book as a true commonplace book -- they can put more in it than just Sword of Freedom. We will be using our commonplace books every week so make sure that you bring them. This is also how we'll be practicing our note taking skills.
The class has been divided into North and South. At the moment, all of the students are at the rank of Private. As students pass off requirements, they will move up in rank. The class requirements are in their binders and on the FILA website: http://www.filacommonwealth.com/sword-of-freedom.html
Speaking of binders. I need to check with Genevieve to see when the correct pages for the student manuals will be arriving. For now, I think everyone has the teacher's manual. The info the students need is in there, but it will be easier to find when they have the correct pages. Hopefully, this coming week.
We will be signing up for presentation topics and presentation dates next week. Please take a look at your calendar and make sure that you don't sign up for days that are inconvenient for you. :-)
Students will also be writing a Hero Report this semester. They can choose anyone from the Civil War time period including ancestors (especially ancestors) if they know about them. Start thinking about who you might want to write about.
See you next week!
General Lisa & General Paige
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