Friday, October 30, 2015

Hero Report

Sword Scholars-

Yesterday in class, we did our poetry recitation. It was great! You guys did very well, and I appreciate the time and care that you took to prepare a way in which to share your thoughts and feelings on this period in history. Thank you!

We finished analyzing the Emancipation Proclamation. It was a very PIVOTAL document that changed the course of our nation: morally, politically and economically. I believe God blessed our nation for the
progress that was made after than pronouncement and policy change.

Then we simulated the Battle of Gettysburg on Teacher Lisa's AWESOME hand-drawn map!  It was very cool to see all of the different generals and brigades involved. To hear how each individual general's decision and movements affected this happenstance battle.

Benjamin provided MUCH detail and assistance in mapping out who/what/where/when for the battle. We SO appreciate your expertise in history, Benjamin!

Unfortunately, we weren't able to finish studying the battle because the class mostly consisted of TOO MUCH unrelated side conversation!!!!

We also discussed the Hero Report (requirement) and encouraged you to CHOOSE your hero from the Civil War Era. We will work on these in class next week so BRING resources to assist you in your report!  Books, articles, etc...

Next week we will revisit the battle, talk about the major figures, and possibly play a Gettysburg game. We'll also analyze the Gettysburg address.

Have a great week! And come prepared next week to better participate in class. Thanks!


Choose hero and assemble resources to begin research - bring resources to class next week
Finish (or get close to finishing) Abraham Lincoln
Work on Memorization requirements
Complete/turn in lagging writing assignments

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Poem on a Civil War Subtopic

Hello Sword Scholars!

Recap on this week's assignments:

1 - Start reading "Abraham Lincoln" by Wilber F. Gordy - book discussion in 3 weeks, so try to read at least 1/3 of the book by next class period

2 - Write your poem about something you have studied about this time period - turn it in next week!

3 - Make, use and BRING your To-Do List to show General Schmieder!

4 - Catch up on any old papers you haven't turned in

5 - MEMORIZE your scriptures re: govt, songs, and the Gettysburg Address!

This week in class, we had an awesome presentation by Hannah on "The Underground Railroad." GREAT JOB Hannah! It was really interesting learning about the quilts that may have been used as guides to help the slaves on their journey to freedom in the north. And the great courage of the conductors! They were a great example of breaking the law when the law was immoral. What an awesome illustration of moral courage! Thank you to Hannah for that enlightening presentation.

We did a quick study (started anyway) of the Emancipation Proclamation. We will continue this next week, so look forward to it!

And General Schmieder gave us an awesome lecture on the battles at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville. It is incredible to think that there were 200,000 soldiers fighting in the first urban combat of the war.  

The Battle of Fredericksburg VA in December of 1862 led to the worst looting in the war thus far, embarrassing the troops and their generals.

The Battle of Chancellorsville from April to May of 1863 was the bloodiest to date in the war. Over 30,000 casualties resulted from the terrible skirmish. 

We learned that the Red Badge of Courage (book and movie) was based upon this actual battle! The courage the men showed in these events is remarkable, and character building for all those who bravely fought.

All right....get ready next week for a Gettysburg immersion.

Work hard, and we'll see you in a few more days!

-General Walk

Friday, October 16, 2015

Is it Ever Wrong to Follow the Law; If so, When & Why?

Hello Sword Scholars!

I am so looking forward to tomorrow. Movie day is going to be the best! Don't forget to bring a sack lunch, snack(s) to share, and maybe a pillow/blanket.

Class was really great today. I LOVE having YOU ALL give the LECTURE! You were so GREAT! I learned a lot more about Antietam, Shiloh, and the Unconstitutional Acts occurring throughout the Civil War. It is amazing to think about the huge sacrifices our forebears made during this time, and about the fear that they would experience as they faced their countrymen in battle.

Remember the definition of casualty? Not just one who died in battle, but one who was wounded as well, right? It is incredible to learn that roughly 25% of the battles' participants would become wounded or dead at Shiloh or Antietam. Not great odds!

And we all love President Lincoln. But, just as others before and after him, this president wielded his power in ways that didn't always preserve the freedom of the people. How did it make you feel to learn some of the slick/seemingly necessary actions he took that were not upheld by the constitution? Did their "necessity" justify Lincoln's actions? This is an important question on which I ENCOURAGE you to ponder.


Okay...I know...and you thought class was over!


**Finish Across Five Aprils  - book discussion is next week!
**Write your paper on "Is it ever wrong to follow the law; if so, when and why?
**HANNAH - finish prepping your presentation on the Underground Railroad - you present next week!
**Continue working on MEMORIZATION of music, Gettysburg Address, and Scripture re: government (you were supposed to choose this on your own).

If you need help choosing scriptures on government, your parents would be excellent resources.

If you still need some direction on this after talking to your parents, let me know and I will try to help you identify some you can use.

Have a marvelous week, and we'll see you on SATURDAY, 9 am at my house!

-General Walk

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Is Secession Constitutional

Hey Sword Scholars!

We had an awesome time in class today. 

Thank you to ADAM who gave a GREAT presentation on the life of a slave! We learned of some of the severe hardships the slave populace had to endure before our nation made the slave trade illegal. We are SO grateful to live in times of enlightenment and equal treatment and opportunity!

Remember, ARCHIE - you are up next week for your presentation!

General Schmeider helped us learn some of the turbulent political history surrounding the secession of the Southern states. Seen through the lense of "great economic disparity", we can understand why the South would want to part ways with the North, in order to sustain their quality of life.

We discussed Uncle Tom's Cabin! We talked about our favorite characters, their individual motivations, the villains and heroes, and how reading this life-changing volume affected us each personally. YOU WERE ALL SO GREAT during discussion today! You have such meaningful observations, insights into the connections and meanings found within the text, and most importantly, real convictions found or deepened by reading such a great work. KUDOS to you for coming prepared to discuss with us!

If you didn't finish the book, please do so, and then discuss the book with either General Walk or General Schmeider.

ASSIGNMENTS for the Week
*Write your paper on "Is secession constitutional?"
*Being reading "Across Five Aprils" - book discussion is only 2 weeks away on this!!!!!!!
*Work on memorization 
*Catch up on any delinquent papers/assignments
*Continue being the awesome, hard-working scholars you are!

-General Walk

Friday, October 2, 2015

When evil is being done......

FIRST THINGS FIRST:  Sword of Freedom Movie Day at General Walk's house is Saturday, October 17th from 9 am to 6 pm.  We will be watching 3 movies (this is one of your requirements!) so it will be a fairly long day. Feel free to bring stuff to keep your hands busy...knitting, coloring, legos, whatever.  :-)

Please bring a sack lunch, as well as snacks to share with everyone for the day. It is a LONG day, and I'd like to test a theory: the more snacks we eat, the more we get out of the movies! Sounds right....anyway...

This week in class was intense!

We talked about a WHOLE lot of history, from the prelude of the Bleeding Kansas incidents, all the way through the tension of the Fractured election of 1860.

We also learned about the Cycles of History, discussed principles of generational cycles and archetypes (Prophet, Nomad, Hero, Arist) set forth in The Fourth Turning, and learned you are all HEROES! Lucky you. Your Generals are just NOMADS.  :-)  But at least we are happy and fulfilled in our wanderings....

Anyway, MATTHEW did a great job on his presentation on spies! Thank you Matthew! I heard a rumor (via a telegram I received recently) that some late presentation treats may appear next week. Well, we shall see, I suppose. STOP.


-Write your paper on "When evil is being done, is it right to respond with evil?"
-Finish Uncle Tom's Cabin!
-ADAM - finish your presentation on Life as a Slave - you present next week!

Carry on, soldiers. We'll see you next week!

-Generals Schmeider and Walk